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Meet Mikayla: Mohawk's Newest Assistant Director

Kerry McCaffrey

It’s time to get to know Camp Mohawk’s newest Assistant Director, Mikayla Hartman! No stranger to Mohawk, Mikayla has an impressive resume which includes just about every position Camp has to offer. From counselor to unit leader, to Program Director, and now Assistant Director, she is ready to take on the new duties that come along with her role and make sure campers have the best summer ever!

Mikayla attended her first week as a Jawak in 2007, she had already heard many stories about the great Camp Mohawk from her mother, Christine Hartman, who is an alum. Even with her mother’s positive stories, it was a little scary to be away from family for the first time as a seven-year-old. Luckily, that summer Mikayla soon realized the magic of Mohawk that her mother had told her about was real. Mikayla loved it so much that the very next summer she asked to stay for a whole month.

Mikayla attended camp with her twin sister, Lexi Hartman. Summers at Camp Mohawk allowed them to explore their own separate interests and form connections as individuals. Part of the beauty of Mohawk is that every kid gets to discover what excites them in a safe and supportive environment. Growing up during summers at Camp, both were able to have their own unique journeys through the community of Mohawk.

Upon reflection and looking back at some changes that Mohawk has recently made to the infrastructure of the Camp, Mikayla loves that so many activities now have their own dedicated space, such as the Sewing Shed and Nature Shed. These areas allow all campers to have a safe space to pursue their passions. Of course, some things stand the test of time like the well-loved Friendship Ceremony at the beginning of each session. And breakfast, who doesn’t love a Camp Mohawk breakfast?

While a camper, you could often find Mikayla at the stables taking riding lessons or at the waterfront sailing. And that didn’t change much once she became a counselor! Mikayla enjoyed her time as a riding instructor as well as part of the waterfront staff.

Upon graduating from Southern Connecticut State University, Mikayla received her degree in Business Management. She was first hired as a full-time staff member in 2021 and has since proved to be an invaluable team member. Mikayla and the rest of the full-time staff are eagerly preparing for this upcoming summer by hiring staff, organizing supplies, and preparing for staff training!

Outside of Camp Mohawk, Mikayla enjoys traveling with friends and spending time outside hiking, walking, and boating. She is a new homeowner and likes making improvements to her home as well. In between she also visits her mom whenever she can! Join us in wishing Mikayla the best of luck this summer in her new position!


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